Monday, 26 September 2016

Easy Homemade Face Mask

Face mask provide deep nourishment to the skin, So why do so many people neglect this?
Because it takes time to go to beauty parlor or out of budget.
When monthly facials aren't in your budget and you have no time to go to beauty parlor then, these easy homemade face masks will leave your skin feeling fresh, clean, healthy and moisturized.

Easy Homemade Face Mask

Apply face mask according to your skin requirement and share your views with me.

1. Face Mask For Clear Skin

Face Mask For Clear Skin
Face Mask For Clear Skin
Mix one tablespoon honey and half a squeezed lemon into a bowl and apply all over your face, avoiding the eye area for 15-30 minutes according to your skin. Wash away with lukewarm water and after that with cold water to close your pores.

2. Face Mask For Brighten Skin

Face Mask For Brighten Skin
Face Mask For Brighten Skin
Every woman dreams of having perfect and flawless skin and therefore tryout almost all the beauty and skincare products available in the market. The harsh chemicals and bleach present in these products might provide an instant glow to the skin, but they cause far-reaching negative effects on the skin in the long run. 
Make a mixture of 1 tomato and 2 table spoon milk in a bowl and apply it all over your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.

3. Face Mask For Clear Blackheads

Face Mask For Clear Blackheads
Face Mask For Clear Blackheads
Say goodbye to blackheads and hello to a glowing complexion. Mix 1 egg white and 1 lemon juice in a bowl. Apply the mask all over your face. Let the mask for 15-20 minutes or until it's dry. Now peel the mask off and wash your face with lukewarm water and apply a light moisturizer.

4. Face Mask For Glowing Skin

Face Mask For Glowing Skin
Face Mask For Glowing Skin
When yogurt applied to the skin, a velvety your face mask will help moisturize, prevent premature aging, fight acne and relieve sunburn. Mix 2 table spoon yogurt and 2 table spoon lemon juice. Apply all over your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water and see the difference in mirror.

5. Face Mask For Healthy Skin

Face Mask For Healthy Skin
Face Mask For Healthy Skin
Turmeric has multitude benefit, however make you use pure and organic turmeric for your skin. This face pack is very good for lightening your skin tones by moisturizing and hydrating it. It helps to reduce your blemish and acne. 
Mix 1/4 table spoon turmeric and 1 table spoon coconut oil and apply all over your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water.

6. Face Mask For Tighten & Firm Skin

Face Mask For Tighten & Firm Skin
Face Mask For Tighten & Firm Skin
As we grow old, our skin loses its elastic properties, making the skin loose and sagging, but a good skin care routine help to delay the signs of aging and minimize the appearance of wrinkles and loose skin. Mix 2 tsp of finely ground coffee with 2 tsp of finely ground coffee with 2 tsp of honey in a bowl. Apply this mask to your face and neck. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water and apply moisturizer.

7. Face Mask For Anti Ageing

Face Mask For Anti Ageing
Face Mask For Anti Ageing
Aging can be scary. We don't want to see our skin getting wrinkles. With age, our skin tends to become thinner and loses its natural elastic property. Aloe Vera wonders in delaying signs of aging and wrinkles.
Mix 1 egg white only and 2 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel. Apply all over your face and neck for 15-30 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.

8. Face Mask For Clear Up Acne

Face Mask For Clear Up Acne
Face Mask For Clear Up Acne
Your skin is your friend. You like your skin, your skin likes you. The good news is that you won't have to spend on face wash,moisturizer and spot treatment containing benzoyl peroxide, which might certainly obliterate your acne.
Mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon and 2 tablespoon honey. Apply it all over your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water.

9. Face Mask For Deep Clean Pores

Face Mask For Deep Clean Pores
Face Mask For Deep Clean Pores
Oats possess some wonderful skin care properties because they have the best amino acid balance of all cereal grains and a high silica content, making them great emollients the restores the skin's natural moisture. Oats have been clinically proven to help heal dry, itchy skin and you may have come across information of ancient Greeks and Romans using oat baths to heal skin ailments. 
Mix 1 tablespoon yogurt and 2 tablespoon oatmeal powder. Apply all over your face for 15-20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. Pat dry with soft towel. If you feel your skin dry and stiff, apply one or two drops of olive oil to moisturize your face.

Apply above simple and easy homemade face mask and Share your experience with me.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Need of the day - Government's role in health care

Government should play a more active role in providing the health care services to all.
Need of Government's role in health care
Health means more than the absence of disease. It means that people remain healthy and free from diseases if they have access to clean drinking water and live in an area which is free from all types of pollution. Every individual would like to live and work in an atmosphere which is free from all pollutants and people also like to be active, energetic and live in good spirit.
Good health is not all about a disease free healthy body but it refers to sound mental state also.
Health and Hygiene

Good health is not all about a disease free healthy body but it refers to sound mental state also. In order to enable all citizens to have good health, the government has taken a lot of health care services.

In spite of the positive observations which prove that care is taken for maintaining the health of the public, there is a dark side too.

  • There are countless malnourished children in our country who get very less food to eat.
  • Waterborne diseases like hepatitis, cholera and diarrhea spread fast in the country due to the lack of clean drinking water.
  • Millions of cases of the patients affected by malaria and tuberculosis are reported every year, which is evident that diseases like malaria and tuberculosis are wide spread.

The rural areas are more affected than the urban areas due to lack of clinics, hospitals, transport and communication, nonavailability of medicines in time, and delayed treatment of patients. All these lead to the death of people in villages. Let us find out why such situations exist and how government is tackling such scenario.

Lot of public health centers are set up in cities, towns and villages. Multi-specialty hospitals are set up in all metro cities. Some of the hospitals provide free medical services and low priced medicines. Other facilities like scanning, conducting tests are also provided for the public.

Steps have been taken to prevent contagious diseases like chikungunya, H1N1 virus, jaundice and dengue.In spite of all these facilities we find that the goal is not achieved.

Need of the day - Government's role in health care

It is necessary that the government should play a more active role in providing the health care services to all its citizens in all corners of the country.

Medicines and medical facilities have to be provided by the government. Efficient doctors, nurses and various professional must be appointed. Different types of illness must be prevented.

Government should ensure that health centres, hospitals, laboratories for testing, ambulance services, blood banks, maids and nurses are to be provided for all the people. It is essential that government should take the above steps seriously because a nation progresses only when its citizens are hale and healthy.

If you are agree with me then share this post and comment your views.

I'm waiting................

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

7 Yoga Poses to get glowing skin

Mental peace and emotional balance play a very important role in our beauty subject. Some women start wrinkling premature, primarily due to stress or unhealthy lifestyle practices such as alcohol, smoking and wrong food habits. Stress can make your skin appear dull, tired and worn out. Improper digestion shows up in the form of pimples.

Yoga help in relaxing the mind and the body and reduces stress. Yoga helps in healing skin infections and allergies by maintaining proper blood circulation and flushing out toxins from the blood. The prime advantage of yoga is that every single technique that you practice has a multitude of benefits.

Yoga help you stay stress-free, improve your concentration, help you co-ordinate better and help you stay disciplined.

Today, I am going to share most favourite poses of yoga for get glowing and beautiful skin.

 1. Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Improves your digestion, make blood flow into the face faster, encourage skin cell renewal and give your face a natural glow.
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend)
Uttanasana reduces stress and depression by balancing the hormones. Improves your digestion, make blood flow into the face faster, encourage skin cell renewal and give your face a natural glow.

How to perform Uttanasana

bend forward and try to touch the ground while keeping your legs straight.
Uttanasana Steps
Stand straight with closed feet and arms raised overhead. Keep your eyes closed. Now, bend forward and try to touch the ground while keeping your legs straight. Try to stay in this position for 1 minute and then come back slowly to the standing posture.

2. Kapalbhati (Breathing Technique)

Kapalbhati helps to reduce stress in the eyes and curing dark circles around the eyes.
Kapalbhati (Breathing Technique)
Kapalbhati helps to reduce stress in the eyes and curing dark circles around the eyes. It adds beauty to your face. Improves the blood circulation problem in whole body parts.

How to perform Kapalbhati

Take a deep breath through your both nostrils, now exhale through both nostrils forcefully.
Kapalbhati Steps
Sit on the Padmasana pose, close your eyes and keep the spine straight. Take a deep breath through your both nostrils, now exhale through both nostrils forcefully, so your stomach will go deep inside. Repeat this process for 5-10 minutes. During this process focus on exhale through your nose and not on the movement of your stomach.

3. Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand)

Sarvangasana helps to remove toxins and other waste products from blood and save us from many diseases related with skin.
Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand)
Sarvangasana helps to remove toxins and other waste products from blood and save us from many diseases related with skin. It stop wrinkles, pimples and dullness. This is one of the best anti-aging exercis that can give immediate results.

How to perform Sarvangasana

Lie down with palms on the floor, lift your legs up, raise the legs and torso off the floor.
Sarvangasana Steps
Lie down with palms on the floor, lift your legs up, raise the legs and torso off the floor. Roll up onto your shoulders, find the place of balance, wherever that is for you. Using your hands and arms to support your back. Breathe deeply for 1 minute and slowly return to the starting position.

4. Balasana (Child Pose)
This yoga posture enhances the circulation of blood throughout the body.
Balasana (Child Pose)

Balasana is very easy to execute and its effects are very good. This yoga posture enhances the circulation of blood throughout the body.

How to perform Balasana
Sit down comfortably in Vajrasana and bend your head down till your forehead touches the floor.
Balasana Steps

Sit down comfortably in Vajrasana and bend your head down till your forehead touches the floor. Take both your hands towards your toes and place them in a calm manner. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and then get back to original position.

5. Sirsasana, Shirshasana (Headstand Pose)
Sirsasana is the king of all the asanas (pose) due to its various medical advantages.
Sirsasana, Shirshasana (Headstand Pose)

Sirsasana is the king of all the asanas (pose) due to its various medical advantages. This pose gives your face a healthy glow by reversing the blood circulation. Doing this regularly helps to keep your skin wrinkle-free.

How to perform Sirsasana
Try to slowly-slowly straighten your legs towards the direction of head. Your back should be straight.
Sirsasana, Shirshasana Steps

Go to the Balasana (Child Pose) and snatch your elbows and interlock your fingers. Bring down your crown of the head to the mat on the floor and the back side of your head is touching your interlocked fingers for support your head. Try to slowly-slowly straighten your legs towards the direction of head. Your back should be straight.
Now bend your knees and keep your heels near to the butts. Slowly-slowly raise your legs straight at the angle of 90 degree. Hold the position as much as you can.

6. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
Bhujangasana is a relaxing yoga pose that helps to reduce stress and tension.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana is a relaxing yoga pose that helps to reduce stress and tension. This pose helps to supply extra oxygen to the skin cells which in turn helps the body to flush out the accumulated toxins from the system.

How to perform Bhujangasana
Pull your torso back and off the floor with the support of your hands. Hold this pose for 1 minute. Don't overdo the stretch or over-strain yourself.
Bhujangasana Steps

Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and forehead resting on the ground. Place your hands under your shoulders, palms downwards. Taking deep breath in, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel on the floor. Ensure that your feet are still close together. Pull your torso back and off the floor with the support of your hands. Hold this pose for 1 minute. Don't overdo the stretch or over-strain yourself.

7. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
Ustrasana open up your chest and enables the lungs to take in more air, hence more oxygen which is great for the body and skin. It reduces stress and balances the hormones in the body that are responsible for acnes and pimples.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Ustrasana open up your chest and enables the lungs to take in more air, hence more oxygen which is great for the body and skin. It reduces stress and balances the hormones in the body that are responsible for acnes and pimples.

How to perform Ustrasana
bend back and hold your heels, let your head hang back.
Ustrasana Steps

Bend your knees and standing on your knees, your head, spine, abdomen and thighs must be in a straight line. Now bend back and hold your heels, let your head hang back. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and then come back to the starting position by releasing the hands.

Other tips to keep your skin glowing:

Drink lots of water : 

Drink 3-4 liters water daily. Water adds natural suppleness and glow to your skin while keeping your skin hydrated and healthy.

Smile : 

This is the best and the easiest make-up you can apply on your face. The more you smile, the more your face would naturally glow.

These yoga poses will ensure that you have glowing skin throughout your life and that your skin never has a dull moment.

If you like this post, don't forget to share it on  Facebook  and Twitter. Please comment about this post.

Friday, 26 August 2016

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Tomatoes, Health, Wellness, Tips

Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. Tomatoes are also a great source of Vitamin CVitamin KPotassium and Folate.
10 amazing health benefits of tomatoes, health, wellness, tips

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Tomatoes :

1. Tomatoes are good for skin

Tomatoes are considered beneficial for skin health. Tomatoes contain a high level of lycopene, according to a study, there were 40% less sunburns after ingesting 40 grams of tomato paste (providing 16 mg of lycopene) with olive oil, every day for 10 weeks.

Another studies have indicated that drinking 1-2 cups of tomato juice a day helps to improve the overall appearance of the skin in a short period of time.

2. Repair damage caused by smoking

Tomatoes contain coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid that work to protect the body from carcinogens that are produced from cigarette smoke. So, Tomatoes can reduce the amount of damage done to your body be smoking cigarettes.

3. Reduce Heart Disease

Low blood levels of lycopene and betacarotene are linked to increase risk of heart attacks and strokes. Including Tomatoes in regular balanced diet effectively prevent heart attacksstrokes as well as many other heart related problems. 

4. Supports Bone Health

Tomatoes contain a considerable amount of calcium and Vitamin K. Both of these nutrients are essential in strengthening and performing minor repairs on the bones as well as the bone tissues.

5. Cancer Prevention

Cancer is a generic term for the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that spread beyond their normal boundaries, often invading other parts of the body. The high levels of lycopene in tomatoes works to reduce chances of developing prostatebreast and stomach cancer. Cooked tomatoes produce more lycopene. Lycopene is a natural antioxidant that works effectively to slow, the growth of cancerous cells.

6. Protects Vision and Degenerative Eye Disease

Tomatoes are a rich source of the phytonutrients beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, they can help to improve vision and protect eyes from degeneration.

7. Good for Hair

The Vitamin A in Tomatoes works perfectly to keep hair shiny and strong. Drinking tomato juice constantly improves the appearance and texture of hair.

8.Good for Kidneys

Tomatoes protect the body from diarrhea and prevents the appearance of kidney stones and gall bladder stones in the long term.

9. Improves Digestion and Prevents Constipation

Tomatoes help to improve the functioning of the digestive system and the liver, and the prevention of constipation especially when it mixed with spinach juice.

10. Naturally Enhance Flavor

Tomatoes can enhance the flavor of almost any cooked dish. Whole tomatoes, chopped tomatoes and tomato sauce freeze well for future use in cooked dishes.

Tomatoes are sensitive to cold and it will impede their ripening process, store them at room temperature and out of direct exposure to sunlight. They will keep for up to a week, depending upon how ripe they are when purchased. If the tomatoes begin to become overripe, but you are not yet ready to eat them, place them in the refrigerator, where they will keep for one or two more days, before using removing them from the refrigerator before 30 minutes will help them to regain their maximum flavor and juiciness.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Chikungunya virus - present mostly in the developing world.

Chikungunya is a viral desease transmitted to human by mosquitoes and causes significant symptoms, such as fever. Chikungunya was first time described in 1952 when an outbreak in southern Tanzania was observed.

Before 2013 Chikungunya virus had been identified in Africa, Asia, Europe and Pacific Oceans, but in late 2013 cikungunya virus was identified in Caribbean countries and territories of America according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The mosquitoes in the area have been infected with the virus and are spreading it to people. Since then in America, more than 1.7 million suspected cases identified and reported to the Pan American Health Organization.

Chikungunya virus, also known as CHIKV is an insect-borne virus, of the genus Alphavirus, that is spread by Aedes mosquitoes. Chikungunya usually doesn't cause death, but the symptoms can be very severe. The most common symptoms of virus are joint aches and pains, fever, headache, rash and muscle pain. Some people may have bleeding from hose or gums.

The symptoms of CHIKV are similar to the symptoms of dengue fever but in CHIKV the pain is more intense and concentrated in the joints. The incubation period is about one to twelve days after the mosquito bite. Unfortunately, there is no cure or treatment for chikungunya and the main problem with this virus is the after effects.

There is no antiviral drug or medicine specifically for Chikungunya. But since chikungunya is cured by immune system in almost all cases there is no need to worry.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Special care for older adults with diabetes

Caring for older people with diabetes requires special attention because the older individual is more likely to have other health problems and may be taking variety of different medications.
Caring for older people with diabetes requires special attention because the older individual is more likely to have other health problems and may be taking variety of different medications.
Diabetes Equipment

Also read: Diabetes and it's signs or symptoms

Older adults with diabetes are 15 times more suffer from depression than older adults who do not have diabetes.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

What is diabetes and it's signs or symptoms

Diabetes doesn't have to define you or rule your life. You are in the driver seat. Having diabetes is really just another one of life's challenges not a reason to put life on hold or defer your goals and dreams.

Also read: Special care for older adults with diabetes.
                 What is Detoxification?

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes, Signs or symptoms

What is diabetes and it's signs or symptoms

Diabetes doesn't have to define you or rule your life. You are in the driver seat. Having diabetes is really just another one of life's challenges not a reason to put life on hold or defer your goals and dreams.

Also read: Special care for older adults with diabetes.
                 What is Detoxification?

What is Diabetes?

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Health is Wealth - Tips for keeping healthy and fit

Health is considered the greatest wealth. It is better to be poor healthy than rich sick. The sick person cannot consume the money and amenities. He feels his life as a burden. Healthy person lives his life with fun. His mind is full of joy and exultation. He does every task with enthusiasm. So that health is wealth. You should take advantage of God-given gifts and staying healthy.

Good health is the real jewel of the life. If a man loses his health, the world loses all its charms for him. A healthy person does not spend money on medicines and visiting doctors. Health is Wealth.
Health is Wealth

Friday, 5 August 2016


What is Detoxification?

Detoxification is the physiological removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including the human body, which is mainly carried out by the liver. Simply speaking, it reminds the body get rid of those elements who harm us. A detox is a way to restore your body's natural balance. It also helps to clear out all those toxins and harmful foods we hold in our body. Detoxing clears out your blood system. Detoxification is one of the best way to keep your mind and body healthy, benefit of detoxing is liver, kidney and blood purification that would not occur on a regular diet.

Also Read: Health is Wealth

Acne and skin rash on your face suddenly stick out? You are experiencing disturbances in your digestive system? You always experience lethargy?

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Flax Seed (Oil)

Tiny but mighty, flaxseed is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. The seeds come from flax, one of the oldest crops in the world. It is called sana beej or alsi ka beej in Hindi. Flaxseed was first cultivated in Babylon in 3000 BC. Flaxseeds belong to the Linaceae family and are botanically known as Linum usitatissimum. 

Flax Seed Benefits for Health:

Friday, 22 July 2016

Herbal Medicine

The history of herbal medicine provides decades, sometimes centuries, of unreliable information. Herbal medicine remains largely an unproven, inexact science. How to benefit from herbal medicine. Herbs can be safer and less expensive than conventional drugs. Herbal medicines are very cheap in comparison to the conventional form of medication. It’s something which every pocket can afford.

Herbal, Plant, Medicine, Product

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Get Franchise without investment

Get franchise without Investment. 

Franchisee Distributor

Get best daily use and herbal products franchise without Investment. Free training provide to the candidates by company.